Let's explore HOW WorkSavvy operates...
WorkSavvy is built to make life easier when working with outsourced or distributed work delivery channels...whether you're 'Buying' or 'Supplying'...
Providing a centralized system to collate, contain and manage all activities relating to the work under unique and specific Work Packages...
What exactly is a Work Package...?
Read on to discover how WorkSavvy bundles all applicable resources, SOWs, tasks, time, and costs into discreet, neatly manageable environments for much greater visibility, control, and turbocharged delivery performance!
Work Packages? Tell me more...
A clean, concise way of 'ring-fencing' all the necessary & requisite information, resources, and stakeholders involved in achieving work success...
From simple single-resource assignments to complex projects supporting hundreds of resources, across the globe, all neatly nestled under one banner... which is the 'Work Package'
More specifically, Work Packages contain...
Automated 'checks and balances' of tracking, monitoring & sign-off...
Need to keep a watchful eye on progress and performance..?
...WorkSavvy has that covered, and then some!
Incorporated within WorkSavvy is powerful Notification and Events functionality, built to help maintain progress and keep everybody aware of key actions and issues, automatically...
WorkSavvy distributes automated notifications whenever an event occurs that requires action or awareness, these include:
When a Work Package is created - relevant parties are notified
If selected, peer reviews and comments are notified
Whenever the status of a Task / Deliverable / Milestone changes
If an Invoice or Time Utilization is submitted / reviewed / approved / rejected
If Progress Updates are submitted
Whenever a Risk or Issue is logged
Or whenever a Work Package is amended (change control)
WorkSavvy additionally 'nudges' and 'prompts' all relevant resources when they are approaching key milestones, helping ensure progress is maintained and performance stays on track!
Everything about WorkSavvy is designed to make it easier to track, monitor, report, and approve progress and performance.
Quickly and easily define 'Tasks & Goals' for EVERY resource...
WorkSavvy uses the basis of SOW frameworks to provide a robust, proven way to document and distribute all work activity...
Provided within WorkSavvy is an incredibly quick and effective way to document and share all the desired work activity for every resource/stakeholder included in your Work Package:
Utilizes proven SOW structure of Objectives, Deliverables & Milestones with individual Start/End dates
Quickly build directly in WorkSavvy or Import using simple CSV templates provided
Add as much supporting information as required
Easily duplicate Work based on roles/profiles - build once to save hours of effort​
Define the reporting frequency and sign-off criteria - uniquely for each Resource
Linked Tasks - completely automating updates and notifications between all relevant parties to massively remove overheads!
WorkSavvy is built to drive efficiency and optimal awareness of what work is being completed by using proven methods - field-tested across thousands of projects and assignments!
Powerfully simple budget building to suit every possible scenario...
Every piece of work needs a clear budget, without one things can spiral out of control - this is where WorkSavvy steps in...
WorkSavvy is built around years of experience in deploying and managing work assignments, projects, and outsourced services. The importance of establishing a highly effective budget quickly is crucial...
Build Budgets per Objective quickly and easily straight in WorkSavvy or import using CSV templates provided
Import all specific work activity straight into the Budget for quicker completion
Separated Costs and Charges to give a full P&L view
Utilize Time & Materials, Fixed-Price, or a mixture on the Cost and/or Charge side
Allocate specific Resources against each Cost/Charge item
Automatic calculated Gross Profit, Gross Margin, and Total Values displayed
Through the Budget functionality contained within WorkSavvy, once you're Work Package is up and running, the ongoing tracking, monitoring, and allocation of live costs and charges will be so much easier as WorkSavvy automatically does this all for you!
A single, powerful source of truth to Manage and Control all aspects of work...
Dedicated dashboards unique to each Work Package resource, provide all the powerful tools needed to maintain full visibility and control over work and resources...
The specific Manage dashboards WorkSavvy provides display ONLY the information relevant to each user - as a Work Package 'Owner' you maintain total visibility over all resources and activities:
Each dashboard is tailored to the specific resource, displaying information relevant ONLY to them - 100% data security!
Provides detailed status information on every Task (Deliverable & Milestone) which can be updated with detailed notes, scoring, and progress statuses
Detailed Time Utilization submission and approval - against actual Tasks, not generic 'hours or days'
Detailed Budget tracking with automatic P&L management and invoice submission and approval capabilities
Submit & review Progress Updates for added awareness
Full Gantt-based Activity Planner,
Plus MUCH more (including RAID, KMDB, Change Control, Contracts/Documents etc.)
The Manage functionality within WorkSavvy truly empowers ALL Work Package participants to clearly understand their work objectives and provides the tools and features required to easily share progress, demonstrate performance, and capture quick sign-off
Providing a clearer way to work.
We want to help businesses get more clarity and transparency across any distributed or outsourced work & tasks...
WorkSavvy is built to provide a central, simple system where documenting, sharing, and measuring the performance of tasks and work can be done easily and effectively.
Want to know more?